A. I. Kitov Internatinal theoretical and practical conference / Китов Анатолий Иванович - АСУ, кибернетика, информационные технологии, алгоритмические языки

A. I. Kitov Internatinal theoretical and practical conference

28-29th october 2010 A. I. Kitov Internatinal theoretical and practical conference "Innovative information technologies in economics, management and education" took place on the 28-29th of October in Plekhanov Russian Economic University. The event was organized by the Department of Informatics.In order to get extra information visit web-site: http://www.it-rea.ru
       The aims of the conference were the expirience exchange and celection of new solutions in information and communications technologies sphere for information society development.
        A teleconference was established with the branches of the University. The conference run exhibition devoted to the 90 th anniversary of Kitov Anatoliy.