History of informatics /

History of informatics

Pages of history of world computer science.

  1. European Virtual Computer Museum (Ukraine) http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/museum/museum_r.html
  2. Museum of informatics (France) http://mo5.com/
  3. San Diego Computer Museum (USA) http://www.computer-museum.org/
  4. Deutshes Museum (Germany) http://www.deutsches-museum.de/ (de) http://www.deutsches-museum.de/e_index.htm (en)
  5. Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (Germany) http://www.hnf.de/
  6. COMPUTER HISTORY ORGANIZATIONS AND MUSEUMS (links to museums of history of computers) http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/museums.html
  7. Mind Machine Museum http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~hl/mmm.html
  8. People and pioneers http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/people.html
  9. Pages of structural division Computer Society of the international community IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) http://www.ieee.org
  10. Darmstadt: Virturlles Museumder Informatik http://www.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de/~vmi/
  11. The History of Computing Project http://www.thocp.net
  12. CompMuseum http://www.compmuseum.de/
  13. Le musee de l'informatique Le Toit de la Grande Arche (Paris, France) http://www.grandearche.com/musee-de-l-informatique/
  14. Computing in the Soviet Space Program http://web.mit.edu/slava/space/index.htm
  15. Slava Gerovitch website (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) http://web.mit.edu/slava/homepage/